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Did you know that there's a killswitch in yourgames: books, music, movies, apps? It's called DRM, and it can block your access to the things you bought. You can still take control by choosing DRM-free sources.


Valve, (2008)

Gabe Newell's photo

As far as DRM goes, most DRM strategies are just dumb. The goal should be to create greater value for customers through service value (...), not by decreasing the value of a product Gabe Newell

Number None, creator of Braid and The Witness (2016)

Jonathan Blow's photo

I don't like DRM because I think people should have the freedom to own things Jonathan Blow

Flying Wild Hog, creators of Shadow Warrior 2

Artur Maksara and Tadeusz Zieliński's photo

We don't believe in DRM, and we don't like DRM. We don't believe it works, nor that it's good for the players. Artur Maksara and Tadeusz Zieliński

Double Fine

Tim Schafer's photo

Wow, you can actually make a DRM-free version of your game, and make more money than if you spend millions of dollars on copy protection. Tim Schafer

Squad, creator of Kerbal Space Program

Felipe Falanghe's photo

My opinion is that DRM is an illusion. You can’t beat piracy more than you can beat an earthquake. And in the end, all DRM does is make your paying customers resent you. Felipe Falanghe


Marcin Iwiński's photo

We cannot force people to buy things. We can only convince them to do it. We totally believe in the carrot, not in the stick. Marcin Iwiński

Perkedel Technologies

JOELwindows7's photo

You're not buying the product if it has Digital Restriction Management a.k.a. DRM. That's technically still theirs instead of now yours. You've been scammed!
Also if you cannot have the file on the disk i.e. cannot download to local storage, unplayable without the store app running in the background, & inaccessible nor executable through a file manager way, that's also a DRM. You still got scammed!
Also, pls don't be ironic y'all gamers. Especially you! What the hell? you were supposed to despise that streaming platform, but so suddenly put the show there & not on any that is DRM-free, what the peck? traitor..
Oh yeah, cool Rebecca btw 😏.

What the peck, man?! Witcher too!??!??!? doubling down on endorsing that!?!?!?

About DRM

What is DRM?

Digital Rights Management, DRM, is a really broad term for tech that controls how, and when, digital content can be used - like your games, music, video, or books.

Games with DRM include a layer of software or code on top of what's needed to just play the game. Nowadays DRM will send your information to an online server, it could run checks to see if you touched any files, or outright refuse access unless you're logged in somewhere.

In other words, DRM is there to question what you're doing every step of the way.

Why should you care about DRM?

Because there is a killswitch built into your games. Sure, DRM might not affect you right now, but corporations hold the key and they'll only let you in as long as you can repeatedly prove ownership. As long as you're connected to the internet. As long as their DRM works without fault. As long they're still around.

What's important about DRM-free?

Backup, copy, use anywhere

No one else gets a say in how you store and access your media. You bought it, you own it.
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Access offline

Don't rely on your internet connection. If not on principle, then for stability and convenience.
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Keep your consumer rights

Don’t hand your rights over to corporations that wouldn't trust you. Some relationships are based on trust, others on control and suspicion.
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Support digital preservation

By choosing the right sources, you know that the content you bought will remain with you — no matter when it was created or for what hardware.
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Lose all access, just like that

Online ownership checks can, and do, fail. Scheduled downtime, technical issues, and corporations shutting down are just everyday facts of life.
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Support DRM-Free

Support the cause and stay informed with these initiatives:

You have options! There are numerous sources of DRM-free art and media, including*:

* Disclaimer:

FCK DRM is an initiative by GOG.COM to promote DRM-free art and media. If you're the owner of a 100% DRM-free source and would like to be featured here, please reach out to Initiative deactivated. Now is fan reinitiative. Please create proposal issue in our GitHub Issues instead, if you'd like to be featured.

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